Thursday, December 2, 2010

SAR #10337

The American Empire was built on lies we told ourselves.

Made In America:  In bailing out Wall Street somehow the fed gave the most money to two European banks - Deutsche Bank got $29o billion and Credit Suisse got $287 billion. The Fed shoveled more money into foreign banks via currency swaps with foreign central banks who passed the money on to their banks.  And non-banks made out pretty well, including Caterpillar, General Electric, Harley Davidson, McDonald’s, Toyota and Verizon.

Context:  On Thursday, President Obama hosted a White House meeting on bipartisanship, after which every Republican Senator signed a 'contract' pledging to kill every piece of legislation until they get their way on giving tax breaks to the rich.

Emperor/Clothes:  “When I got into economics, I expected evidence to matter more than it does.” Paul Krugman

Trojans Horse:  Mr. Assange of WikiLeaks fame is being pursued with a fervor usually reserved for those accused of genocide, war crimes and terrorism, although the charges against him are somewhat less.  Tow women allege that during consensual sex, Assange's condom ruptured.  They claim they asked him to cease and desist and he did not.  His view is somewhat different.  Our view is that this is a trumped up charge concocted to ensnare Assange in the arms of the law so he can be delivered to Guantanamo the United States for prosecution.

Birds of a Feather:  Obama applied a full court press to Spain to dissuade it from pursuing torture prosecutions against Bush administration miscreants.  And we know why, too.

Speed Kills:  The main concern of those gathered in Cancun is not 'how can we keep global warming to a possibly tolerable 2ºC but how fast are we going to get to 4ºC or higher.  The faster the temperature rises, the less opportunity ecosystems (and civilization) will have to adjust and adapt.  The goal should be to do as much as possible now to make the rise in temperatures as small and as slow as possible.  This will require planning and sacrifice, neither of which seems likely to occur.

Jobs First:  A nip here, a tuck there, a few inches off the top – that's what the deficit commission is doing.  But none of the nips, tucks and cuts create a single job, thus they will not succeed.  At least half the problem is the economy, the lack of jobs.  Throwing more people into the street will generate nothing but suffering.

Asked and Answered:  Do Airport Screenings Really Make Us Safer?  No, but that's not their purpose.

Schedule:   Citigroup's chief economist expects Portugal will need a rescue from EU/IMF before the New Year and that Spain will follow “soon after.”   He then sees all of the debts of Greece, Cyprus, Italy, Spain, Portugal, and Ireland rolled  into German debt with a single treasury to control spending and the issuance of euro-bonds.  Oh, good, we won't be bored.

Perspective:  The Deficit Commission was set up to devise ways to trim the US budget deficit. As you evaluate their recommendations, keep in mind that the deficit is primarily caused by:  The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.  Bush's 2001 and 2003 tax cuts for the rich. Medicare, and the economic downturn caused by greedy, short sighted Wall Street bankers. So naturally the commission's suggested cure is to cut Social Security.

Diplunacy:  If the US does not get its way at the Cancun climate talks, it is likely to walk out.  It works for the Republicans.

Be There Now:  "This is what a dumbed-down, morally bankrupt, completely broken society looks like, and this is how it behaves.  No outrage over the bankers raping them, no outrage over their gutted industry, no outrage over their plundered dollar. Just blind, wanton stupidity. J ust bread and circuses."   Watch the video and remember, this is the public – they vote.

Porn O'Graph:  Importing debt.


SPECTRE of Deflation said...

"Context: On Thursday, President Obama hosted a White House meeting on bipartisanship, after which every Republican Senator signed a 'contract' pledging to kill every piece of legislation until they get their way on giving tax breaks to the rich."

Bipartisanship? ROFLMAO! This community organizer and his goons in CONgress locked out the Republican Party from every piece of legislation enacted since Barry became El Presidente'. Now, after having their asses kicked in the election, the Demoncrats want to play nice. Two words - f##k you!!

Secondly, your class war propaganda is the same old shit the Demoncrats have been using for decades without success, as the American people are smart enough to know that you need to produce in order to prosper, and they see the govt. spending like a drunken sailor on all manner of complete bullshit. It's why you got ass kicked in November.

A two income family where the husband owns a business, and his wife is a school teacher with years of tenure are not millionaires, as much as you would like to make them so. They simply earn a good living, and they work damn hard for it unlike a Warren Buffet or a Bill Gates who rape and pillage on a daily business while claiming they want to pay more taxes. Here's an idea Bill and Warren. If you think your taxes are too low or that the govt. will make wise decisions with your money, give them all your money already, but quit with the millionaires and billionaires bullshit. You are going after the middle class once again, but it sounds better when you throw around the words "millionaire or billionaire". Pure propaganda!

SPECTRE of Deflation said...

"Speed Kills: The main concern of those gathered in Cancun is not 'how can we keep global warming to a possibly tolerable 2ºC but how fast are we going to get to 4ºC or higher. The faster the temperature rises, the less opportunity ecosystems (and civilization) will have to adjust and adapt. The goal should be to do as much as possible now to make the rise in temperatures as small and as slow as possible. This will require planning and sacrifice, neither of which seems likely to occur."

CARBON MARKET, CARBON MARKET, CARBON MARKET. It's to make the fat cats even fatter while pretending to protect us. All the arguments made in favor of global warning have now been shown to be complete falsehoods and outright lies. Meanwhile you continue to parrot whatever the NWO wants, and all in the name of the little guy. Sickening really because it's all about the money. Mankind has very little to do with the heating or cooling of this planet, but never let facts get in the way of feelings. LOL!

SPECTRE of Deflation said...

"The American Empire was built on lies we told ourselves."

I see you are a revisionist as well as a progressive. Your statement is false, as we were a free and great nation right up until we allowed them (DC) to start taking away our rights and our ability to produce for ourselves. We are a hollowed out core of what America once was mainly because we allowed the thieves of DC more and more control in all of our daily lives, and it was all done for the good of the flock of sheeple so they tell us.

Face facts, as it was the baby boomers being self centered and spoiled that screwed the pooch for every generation including those that follow. If it feels good, then do it. We turned on and tuned out until there was no common sense left regarding civic duty or charity for others. Let the state worry about your fellow citizen (consumer), as we could not be bothered because we were so busy self pleasuring themselves with excess in all the things of this world.

People like yourself have stolen our sense of community, and what that means at a local level. You are more than happy to continue the farce of allowing those jackasses in DC to continue to kill our country so long as we move towards your supposed utopian progressive state. Your sense of history is lacking in the worst way.

SPECTRE of Deflation said...

Concerning the new TSA procedures, I wonder how they treat an AUSCHWITZ surviror when said survivor wants to fly? I would love to see an interview with a survivor that has flown since the new procedures were introduced.

How did it feel, and from experience, how far down the road to totalatarianism does he/she believe we have gone with this farce called DHS?

Did they allow the survivor to pass through security without the new procedure which would damn them with the recognition that they might bring back undesirable memories to the survivor with these unbelievable police state tactics?

I still want to know who the well dressed individual was that escorted the "underwear bomber"
on to the plane without the usual security procedures and no passport. Same deal with the shoe bomber. Both cases involved flying into the US.

Whoever set them up still didn't entrap them, as they believed in the cause, but they were too stupid to know they were being set up. Their bad.

mistah charley, ph.d. said...

SoD - Have you taken a look at FreeRepublic or You might find those sites more congenial.

SPECTRE of Deflation said...

mistah, I'm here to correct all the falsehoods made daily by this blogger with his bullet point reporting. If no one wants discussion, that's more than fine by me. I can't let the BS go unanswered, and I never expect a reply. It's for the sheeple who might come here and read the BS.

Charles Kingsley Michaelson, III said...

To mista charley and all but YKW: if I go to moderating comments then either I spend even more time on this machine or you guys cant get a conversation going. I suggest you do as I do - treat it as an index of how much I've pissed off those who are best to piss off.
