Thursday, October 30, 2014

SAR #14302

Bully Pulpits: What part of 'tested negative' don't you understand, governor?

Over There: After serving in West African Ebola areas, US soldiers are being quarantined in Vicenza, Italy. Why? Well, not because the Italians invited them. Mostly because it's not America.

Let Them Eat Cake: Italy and the UK are both stepping back from their efforts to rescue asylum seekers crossing the Med from Africa, because the promise of being pulled from the sea was only encouraging more to risk their lives.

Mister Rogers: Now that the privatized US space program has blown up in everyone's face, Russia has offered to help the US get stuff up to the space station. Part of the Good Neighbor program.

Moving Right Along: Australian keeps moving farther to the right. Now the government wants to allow cops to search homes for minor offenses like theft and believing in global warming. It also wants to give them the power to demand DNA samples from anyone suspected of a crime. The Environment Minister says that no study is needed before dumping crap on the internationally significant Carley Valley wetlands – claiming he could just recycle the excuses previously used to justify dumping crap on the Great Barrier Reef. In Tasmania it is now illegal to protest against mining, agriculture, construction and forestry operations. Australia has also banned entry to visitors from Ebola-affected west African nations and all science-infected westerners. 
Rainy Day: A German bank has begun charging big depositors 0.25% negative interest to keep their cash in the bank. Ah, Germany, the new Switzerland.

Thanks, But No Thanks: The Iraqi government has rejected a US plan to build a military base in the Kurdish region of northern Iraq. They don't want an American presence further emboldening the Kurds and America really doesn't need to openly aid all three sides in Iraq.

Distinction/Difference: Pope Francis says he's not a Communist, just following the Gospel.

Trigger Treat: In Utah a 22 year-old black man dressed as a Japanese anime character was shot and killed by cops because he was black and had a sword. The sword was part of the costume and some of the shots were in the guy's back. In a Ft. Campbell, KY, military housing area a family decorated their front yard with three three figures, with black trash bags where their faces should be, hanging by their necks from trees.

Rosumovi Univerzální Roboti: Germany is developing 'smart factories' – completely automated factories that will churn out products without having to put up with employees. Think of the profits! Assuming, of course, that someone else still employs workers and pays them enough so they can buy the stuff the robots are building.

Headline:Dwarf Stripper Gets Bride-To-Be Pregnant at Bachelorette Party.” I eloped. Didn't know what I was missing.

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