Ground Zero: Danish health officials have identified the first known swine flu case resistent to Tamiflu, which the WHO considers to be the best treatment for H1Ni infections.
Treason: Politicians who deny global climate change and actively try to prevent Congress from adressing theissue are betraying humanity. Dooming civilization because of irrational political dogma or to suck up to money-dispensing industrialists is a crime against the future.
Getting Hyper: In Ireland, retail prices are falling at nearly 5% a year. That's not inflation - itis serious deflation. But it won't happen here, they say.
Revisionism: The Right claims the energy bill is a recipe for poverty and economic chaos, calling it the same sort of policy that raised California's energy prices. Trouble is, it was good Republican Kenny-Boy Lay who manipulated the energy markets and bankrupted PG&E. There wasn't a windmill in sight.
Very Strange: In the Old West, some folks - ancestors of today's investment bankers- assigned ownership rights to rainfall. The rain that fellon your roof belonged to someone else. You couldn't touch it. The rain that fell on the grass was okay, but you couldn't set a pail out there. That law, at least in Colorado, has finally been washed away.
Sausage: Of course trading carbon credits is a scam - it passed political muster didn't it? Of course some will get rich from the system - it passed political muster, didn't it? Of course it will do no good - etc. The way to stop putting carbon in the air is to stop putting carbon in the air. Cap and trade is about making money, not about your grandchildren's lives.
Checkmate: One out of four homeowners is smart enough to walk away once he owes more on the house than its worth. The other 75% are what's keeping this enterprise running.
All in the Family: GE, which used to make things and dump PCBs into the Hudson, became a bank holding company by buying two tiny Utah banks and rolling that into being the largest pig at the TGLP trough - one of Treasury's give-aways. "We were accepted on the merits of our application," GE claims. Better living through tax monies.