Friday, July 29, 2016

SAR #16211

Opinion polls create opinions.
What Did You Do In The War, Grampa? Most of us – at least when we were younger – have felt that the older generation just didn't get it. But what if you are Senator James Inhofe and your grandkids want to know why you are trying to kill them? Well, If you're Inhofe you demand an investigation into why the public schools are brainwashing your 16 grandchildren. Inhofe is the guy the GOP has put in charge of environmental legislation.
Emphasis: Everybody is too busy worrying about the future to look around and notice that the present is pretty damned sucky, too.
If, Then: It seems most unlikely that globalization can be stopped or even much slowed, so we'd have to find better ways to reconfigure the system to make it fairer. The basic rule should be that elevating the poor and disadvantaged of less developed nations should not require pauperizing the workers in the developed societies. Profits to the rich should not be of particular concern.
Audition: Rudy Giuliani, making a bid to be on Trump's team, has called for the “electronic tagging” of all Muslims on the US terrorist watch list. Maybe it's a job creation program. First they'll tag the Muslims, but I am not a Muslim so ...
Starvation Diet: Several French news outfits say they will no longer publish photos of those responsible for mass killings and will limit descriptions of their depredations to simple facts, in an effort to deprive them of “posthumous glorification.” And accounts would refer to “the bomber” and not identify the actors by name or claimed association. US MSM should consider doing the same with our homegrown mass murderers.
Signifying Nothing: Now that the fiat is acompli, Harry Reid acknowledges that Bernie Sanders did not get “a fair deal” from the DNC. It is always fun to watch the naïve discover that politics is serious and played for keeps.
A Parting Shot:


Gegner said...

Ah...'silence of the Friday' is upon us once again! How sad is it our politics are as crooked as the lottery? Weeks and week of nothing, then a huge jackpot goes and then a week or two later a smaller one followed a drawing later by a minimum jackpot being split by two, er, 'unlucky' souls.

So we settle back into the original mode of weeks and weeks of nothing.

The 'problem' with computerized betting is the machine knows which numbers haven't been played and advances in CGI makes faking a lottery drawing a simple task.

Which is to point out we face a very similar situation when it comes to 'secret ballots, so secret in fact that only members of the party elite can see or count them.

Beginning to feel a little cheated, Bunky?

Well, re: 'Emphasis' belabors the obvious, in case you haven't noticed, 1984 happened 'on schedule' and proceeds apace.

How ironic is it that the only way to 'win' either is NOT to play?

Blissex said...

«deprive them of “posthumous glorification.” And accounts would refer to “the bomber” and not identify the actors by name or claimed association. US MSM should consider doing the same with our homegrown mass murderers»

The question is whether the MSM are so trustworthy that when a "terrorist attack" is reported without any details (or photos) as to who or why carried it out you just believe it at face value.

When some details are reported there is at least the small chance of some consistency checking.

Blissex said...

«The basic rule should be that elevating the poor and disadvantaged of less developed nations should not require pauperizing the workers in the developed societies.»

That has been so far largely a fantasy, of the sort sold to the gullible by "sponsored" Economists.

Because subjecting first-world workers to low-wage competition via immigration or offshoring (or advanced technology) costs nothing and is a diffuse action, while "compensating" them for that competition requires passing fiscal legislation against determined opponents.

In practice it is for the same reason *much* easier to pass "protectionist" legislation than "compensation" legislation.

Put another way, fiscal policy can nowadays in the USA done only indirectly, via borrowing or more usually changing the rules, or adding unfunded mandates. Voters have given a significant congressional majority to Republicans *every time* the Democrats have raised taxes.

G-fan said...
Charlie Brooker covered keeping pictures, etc; of mass murderers out of the press. By the time his report is done, it is obvious that some in the press hope to incite more mass murder, it pays them handsomely.

kwark said...

The Donald could charge Muslims for the opportunity to be tagged! I'm sure the Donald has a subsidiary that could make a profit off of this somehow! Oh, I mean the US Treasury could profit (wink, wink). Then, why not tag those Hindus 'cause, you know, they cause trouble somewhere or other. Maybe those Mormans should be next 'cause who knows what kind of pseudo-Christians THEY are and therefore they're suspect. How about those Unitarians, I mean what is that? And how 'bout those Methodists? Am I right Huh?

Unknown said...

Thank you for keeping your site alive. And as always thank you for the images - something to offset the bitter of the tonic.
To all of the guests to this site: Not long ago our host contemplated closing up shop and utilizing his time to increase the happiness of management.
The ferreting out of items of interest and the delightful way they are presented for out edification is invaluable. Recently some comments were made disparaging our hosts presentation of events. Please note the name of the site - assemble your perspective and allow our host freedom of expression.
Please excuse my trespass onto your private property. Will always come to the defense of a friend.

Anonymous said...

Have a good time in Amsterdam

Anonymous said...

nsfw, but as wonderella says, Bleep it if you gotta:

Charles Kingsley Michaelson, III said...

Anony 8.21 - Thanks for the url & I'll promote it to pornographic come Monday. - ckm