Thursday, August 18, 2016

SAR #16231

'Plausible' and 'true' are not the same things.
Ingrate: Just before receiving his first classified briefing from the government's intelligence community, Trump said it was no big deal because they were usually wrong and have consistently propped up bad decisions by the Executive Branch. Like invading Iraq.
And Then There Were None: Food Stamp rolls are declining rapidly across the country, especially in GOP controlled states where benefits are being abruptly cut even though federal funds are still available. It makes the people morally strong; hungry, but self sufficient.
Tilt: The legislation directing an audit of California's primary climate change agency was written by an oil industry lobbyist.
Choices: When do we get to have our American Spring? When do we get to gather in the streets and throw the bastards out? If we cannot stomach the consensus candidate of the American elite – the restoration of the Clinton clan by our corporate, cultural, political, and media nomenclura – and cannot embrace the cartoonish Mr. Trump, must we suffer in silence? The streets, the streets are calling …
Appealing: A federal appellate court has ruled that the DOJ cannot use federal funds to prosecute marijuana users who are complying with their states' laws. Now if we can get the same constraint placed on the DEA.
Fear Itself: “Americans are afraid of many threats to their lives – serial killers, crazed gunmen, gang bangers, and above all terrorists – but these threats are surprisingly unlikely. Approximately three-quarters of all homicide victims in America are killed by someone they know. And the real threat from strangers is quite different from what most fear: one-third of all Americans killed by strangers are killed by police.” In Albuquerque even the DA is “scared of her city's police department” which has threatened her family’s safety.
Sticks And Stones: Poland has made calling the Nazi death camps located in Poland “Polish death camps” a crime punishable by imprisonment in a Nazi Polish prison.
Words: “The provision of healthcare cannot continue to be dependent upon the whims and market projections of large private insurance companies whose only goal is to make as much profit as possible. That is why we need to join every other major country on earth and guarantee health care to all as a right, not a privilege.” Bernie Sanders And he's not talking about a “public option”, but a true single payer system.
Making It Up As They Go Along: “Central bankers [are] continuing what is surely the greatest experiment in monetary policy in the history of the world. We are therefore in uncharted waters and it is impossible to predict the unintended consequences of very low interest rates, with some 30% of global government debt at negative yields, combined with quantitative easing on a massive scale." And whistling, past the graveyard.
A Parting Shot:


The Seditionist said...

"Just before receiving his first classified briefing from the government's intelligence community, Trump said it was no big deal because they were usually wrong and have consistently propped up bad decisions by the Executive Branch. Like invading Iraq."

Maybe it's me. I remember the lies and bullshit from W. on down, but I can't recall the underlying intel. I mean, I remember what the Bushies claimed as proof, just can't recall the actual intel.

In the case of Iraq, no intel was needed to realize that it was the wrong thing to do; just common sense and/or the desire to do the right thing.

So I don't know that I would blame it on an intel failure.

And what about Trump bringing a Russian agent (or tool) with him to his briefing? Pretty damn cool, right?

Anonymous said...

Sir what's your opinion of Jill Stein? Thanks

Gegner said...

'And then there were none'...the [as you point out, purposeful] unraveling of the social safety net, coupled with the systematic destruction of the economy as evidenced by the plummeting labor force participation rates signals 'business as usual' from those who control the political sector in our society [and I use the term 'our' in its loosest possible interpretation]

Usually this would signal revolt but people aren't inclined to 'fight' for 'relief'...just something 'ungrateful' about it.

[This despite their circumstances being beyond their control!]

Just the same, civilization is only 9 meals deep, and hungry people are angry people.

Unknown said...

as long as the police, (DEA, ATF etc) enforce the Elites' version of "Just Us"/justice, we are subject to their "wishes." and Blacks are the test case scenarios that shows how "resistance is futile/deadly."

like that poster of my youth, "First they came for the Bolsheviks..." The "Driving While Black" shows we have plenty to be wary of. we all know how "things" work or don't. Silence really does equal Death.